Value-based, sustainable business activity

The future is built in cities. We have already been building Helsinki for 155 years, and in for Helsinki to bloom after another 155 years as well, we need determined forerunners who are able to look beyond tomorrow. We build the future with a sustainable value base, abiding by strict responsibility principles. The world around us is changing, and we are ready to take the step to the frontline of that change. Climate responsibility, inclusive growth and sustainable development are key factors in our vision of a fine city. An explicitly value-based approach enables projects that are not only focused on short-term wins, but instead on a greater mission.

A pioneer in sustainability

Sustainability is the cornerstone of all our activities, from personnel motivation to new kinds of construction and the launching of new raw materials. When it comes to restaurant services, we are continuously looking for new ways to make restaurant business more responsible, be it about biodiversity in nature, mitigating climate change or the circumstances of farmers at a global level. We create services and activities that encourage people to rethink the environment, use public transport and change their ways of living.

Since 2022 we have reported our sustainability key figures in our Board of Directors’ Report and Financial Statements. Furthermore, we update our TCFD and EU taxonomy report annually. As an active member of UN Global Compact, we also report our progress in sustainability according to their Communication on Progress framework. You can find our recent reports below.

Read our Board of Directors’ Report and Financial Statements 2023
Check out our TCFD and EU taxonomy report 2023 (in Finnish)
Read our CoP-report 2023

How we work

At Ylva, we do profitable business through constant innovation. We have been part of Helsinki’s cityscape for 155 years, and we do business with a keen eye to the future. We manage and develop all our business areas in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way. Ylva’s ethical guidelines and policies are set out in our Code of Conduct. We have identified ten principles to which every Ylva employee and partner must be committed.

Read our Code of Conduct here (in Finnish)

Ylva’s 10 principles

  • We defend human rights
  • We oppose corruption and conflicts of interest
  • We work as equals
  • We work to improve the condition of the planet
  • We compete fairly and uphold the law
  • We trust each other in our work
  • We support growth and development
  • We get to know our partners
  • We do good for our owners through sustainable asset management
  • We value our unique community


Kokosimme yhteen törkeimmät vastuuttomuustekomme vuodelta 2023.


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