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Ylva is bringing a new operator to Helsinki’s hotel market — Norwegian Citybox will open at Lyyra

  Ylva and Citybox are opening the first Citybox hotel in Finland at Lyyra in Hakaniemi during the year 2023....

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The new Kaivopiha will focus on choices that are good for you – Ylva is renewing the brand and concept of Kaivopiha

The reformed Kaivopiha will open in December. The visual look of the Kaivopiha block is being updated over the coming...

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Kallio Office Buildings are down – what happens next in the demolition?

The Lyyra construction site has reached the stage where all above-ground parts of the old buildings have been demolished. In...

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Ylva commits to the sustainable demolition Green Deal between the Ministry of the Environment and RAKLI

Ylva is among the first organisations to promote an operating culture that supports sustainable development in the construction industry. The...

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Ylva’s Lyyra as a development project on inclusiveness in the Finnish construction industry

In August 2019, Ylva was accepted into the Business 4 Inclusive Growth (B4IG) business coalition, which works for sustainable growth...

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UN sustainable development principles and carbon neutrality at the centre of Ylva’s 2020 targets

The representative council of the Student Union of the Helsinki University has, in their meeting held on the 16th December...


Kokosimme yhteen törkeimmät vastuuttomuustekomme vuodelta 2023.


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