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Ylva’s responsibility raised investor interest: Ylva and Varma establish a new joint venture concerning the Lyyra development project

Ylva and Varma, one of Finland’s largest pension insurance companies, have agreed on forming a joint venture, concerning the Lyyra...

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Leea Tolvas appointed as Ylva’s new CEO

The Helsinki of the future is gaining a new constructor: Ylva, the administrator of the real estate and investment assets...

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Ylva created a new way to increase inclusivity on construction sites

Ylva wants to increase inclusivity and equality on its construction sites. Its novel way to commit and demand equality actions...

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Ylva is bringing a new operator to Helsinki’s hotel market — Norwegian Citybox will open at Lyyra

  Ylva and Citybox are opening the first Citybox hotel in Finland at Lyyra in Hakaniemi during the year 2023....

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Ylva’s CEO Antti Kerppola stepping down to take on new challenges

Ylva’s Chief Executive Officer Antti Kerppola is stepping down to take on a new position outside the company from 1...

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Ylva joins Helsinki Pride as a collaborative partner – today and in the future, Helsinki belongs to everyone

Despite the unusual circumstances, the Pride Week is being celebrated colourfully all over Helsinki. As an operator investing in urban...

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The new Kaivopiha will focus on choices that are good for you – Ylva is renewing the brand and concept of Kaivopiha

The reformed Kaivopiha will open in December. The visual look of the Kaivopiha block is being updated over the coming...

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Isa Dahlström appointed as Ylva’s Culture & People Officer

Master of Psychology Isa Dahlström has started work as Ylva’s new Culture & People Officer. “We were looking for someone...

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Kallio Office Buildings are down – what happens next in the demolition?

The Lyyra construction site has reached the stage where all above-ground parts of the old buildings have been demolished. In...

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Ylva is closing some of its restaurants temporarily due to the coronavirus situation

Due to the rapidly changing situation with the novel coronavirus Ylva is temporarily closing some of its restaurants and cafes...


Kokosimme yhteen törkeimmät vastuuttomuustekomme vuodelta 2023.


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